Tuesday 30 June 2015

                                                WHERE IS THE LITTLE GIRL...!!

What's that going on in my mind?
Why am I here?
What am I here for?
               Where's that little girl in me who used to love beach, who used to appreciate that feel when water touches feet and sand escaping away...!!
                Where's that charm in me? Where's that girl in me who used to love VIZAG? Why is she not in me now,Why am I not able to explore my favorite city...!!
                 Why...!! Why...!! Why...!!

                                    Too many thoughts...!! Too many questions..!!

             May be my interests got changed..!! May be exploring and traveling is not in me anymore...!! May be I should start re-thinking about what I am passionate for...!!
              I don't know what I am doing...!! I just really don't know...!! Hope that little girl would look back into my thoughts...!!