Monday 19 January 2015

My first article :: I loved my college when i entered it,that spirit made me write an article.

                                           WHAT....?? LEAD US TO SASTRA..!!

We felt as if we were out of a cocoon, when we passed  out of school.We were little minds,who didn't even know what was wrong and what was right.There came the confusion what to do later, where to join, how to start our career....!!


In that moment, we were weak, insane and didn't even know how people around us would behave.We were just kids...JUST KIDS...The
only feeling we had was,"we are out of school".This is the time ,when parents treat children as grown ups ,generally. But, the choice would be ours.In this dilemma, we were in search of an opportunity that could determine our career, the only word that stroke our minds was "ENGINEERING",the science which is a passion of students these days.An engineer rules the world... The thought that we can rule the world, made us opt engineering.As youth get influenced by movies, even, we thought college to be a place where people make friends, roam around and chill out.But, SASTRA
made our assumptions sculptured in a purposeful way.It is true that,we feel as real engineers when we make something by ourselves.This college is giving us opportunities,to learn things.


Ya, we took the right choice and there comes the right chance to enlighten our lives.....i.e., SASTRA....

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